Friday, January 4, 2013


Knights of the Order, Holy Defenders of the Faith and sword arm of The Five. The Five are deities comitted to only a Lawful Good allignment and those who follow the path of justice. The Knights are respected and hold a high status all throughout the known Kingdoms of Lore. They serve in a Law Enforcement role as well as spiritual leaders and advisors to many royal families. Due to the high respect the religion of The Five holds in Lore as well as the equally well respected status of the Order itself the Knights hold the ability to superseed all known forms of law and order in any country. Many times nations and holds will call upon the Order to handle it's problemed criminals or dangerous creatures. The decision of the Order has in the past dethroned tyrant kings and dismanteled entire holds who have offended the tenants of The Five. The Order is based out of Light Bringer Keep far to the frozen North. The Keep was named after the first of the order, the fabled hero Paladin Arthorius Light Bringer.

Divisions of The Order

Knights of the Stag- Lowest rank within the order and banner of the newest knights initiated into the order. Knights of the Stag never are dispatched alone and are always sent out under the command of more experienced knights. Members under the Stag banner deal with the lowest level of dangers such as town defense and celaring out troll dens in force.

Knights of the Eagle- The second rank and one of the most widely populated banners within the order. Knights of the Eagle are the first rank in which knights are allowed to recieve the Justicar designation. Those who march to the Eagle standard are experienced warriors and defendors of the faith. These knights operate alone for the most part and are sent out to deal with threats such as necromancers and evil war lords.

Knights of the Sword- The largest and most active of all the banners, Knights of the Sword boast the largest number of Justicar. Holy bounty hunters of the faith Justicar seek out threats all over the known kingdoms. Justicar have no limits to their jurisdiction and those who are under the Sword banner are by fa among the most dangerous. Second only to their higher ranking brothers the Knights are the sword are the first rank to be allowed the designation of Paladin.

Knights of the Rose- The highest rank within the Holy Order Knights of the Rose are the most experienced and the home of every headmaster of the order. Only the most devout and honorable reach the rank of Rose and are known across Lore as the wisest holy warriors alive. Holders of the vast knowledge of the scriptures of The Five and bane to darkness. The mighty Paladins of the Rose are the greatest of their kind and are juggernauts of holy power on the battlefield. The only rank that holds knights who have ascended the rank of Elder, Elder's are spiritual advisors of the world and are the most experienced of the Order.

Special rankings
*Knight- First accolade recieved by members of the order and the most well respected. The designation of knight is the oldest in tradition and is held until death or disbarrment.
*Justicar- Justice seekers of the Order, Justicar are dispatched all across Lore to hunt down the most dangerous criminals and evils.
*Paladin- Described as Warriors of the Holy Light, Paladin's are the most magically powerful of all the warriors within the order. They do not practice spells or carry components like wizards but instead draw their power from their unwavering faith and blessings from The Five.
*Elders- Most experienced of the knights and spiritual and advisors of the knighthood. Every headmaster of the order was pulled from those holding the Elder status. Elders hold the strongest connection to The Five and are said to speak for The Five on Lore.

There are members of the faithful who serve the Order in capacities other than the armor wearing bastions of justice known the world over. Civilians work for the order as a profession as they serve their chosen gods and promote law and order throughout the realm. From standard tradesmen to healers civilians of all varieties are welcomed within the warm light of the Holy Order.

*Unique Profession of the civilian sector of the order
Inquisitors- Freelance detectives of the Order. Made up of men and women who for one reason or another never underwent the rigorous and arduous trials and tests needed to become a knight. These individuals are trained sleuths who are dispatched to assist local law enforcement with difficult criminal investigations that do not necessarily require the power and skill of a Justicar.


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